"Sachi Bio has successfully advanced it's lead program towards translation for a range of neurodegenerative diseases, as well as a potential neuro-countermeasure for astronauts during Space missions."
A potential treatment for a range of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Sachi Bio's lead molecule, NI112, is specifically designed to target chronic neuroinflammation, offering promising therapeutic potential across various disease models such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), and other protein misfolding diseases. Through a series of recent publications, Sachi Bio has consistently demonstrated and disseminated compelling evidence regarding the efficacy of its lead programs in addressing neurological diseases, reaffirming its status as a frontrunner in the field.
Testing of Sachi Bio's lead in an aggressive disease model of Multiple Sclerosis. (Top) Sachi lead NI112 shows prevention of paralysis caused by the disease, compared to (bottom) placebo treatment where hind limb paralysis is apparent. For more details refer to associated publication.
Why is this relevant for Space?

As humanity ventures further into space exploration, the need for astronauts to endure long-duration missions increases. However, prolonged space travel poses significant challenges to the human body, including potential neurological effects. Exposures to microgravity, cosmic radiation, isolation, and the psychological stress of extended space missions can all impact astronauts' neurological health. Effective countermeasures are crucial to mitigate these risks and ensure the well-being and performance of astronauts during and after space missions.
Developing therapies that can protect the brain from the effects of radiation exposure or prevent cognitive decline during space missions will be essential. Sachi Bio is working with NASA to develop effective countermeasures that have shown significant neuroprotective effects. We continue to value this partnership to advance effective treatments to the clinic for use both for space missions as countermeasures to protect astronaut's health, as well as for use on Earth for range of neurodegenerative diseases.
Aligned with Sachi Bio's mission, we continue our commitment to find innovative ways to bring better, rational, accelerated, targeted, and accessible treatments to patients, to bring hope to them and their loved ones.
Sadhana Sharma, Sydney Risen, Vincenzo S. Gilberto, Sean Boland, Anushree Chatterjee, Julie A. Moreno, and, Prashant Nagpal* (2024) 2024, 15, 7, 1596–1608.
Sydney Risen, Breonna Kusick, Sadhana Sharma, Vincenzo S. Gilberto, Stephen Brindley, Mikayla Aguilar, Jared M. Brown, Anushree Chatterjee, Julie A. Moreno*, and Prashant Nagpal* (2024). ACS Pharmacol.ogy and Translational Science (In press).
Sydney J. Risen, Sean W. Boland, Sadhana Sharma, Grace M. Weisman, Payton M. Shirley, Amanda S. Latham, Arielle J. D. Hay, Vincenzo S. Gilberto, Amelia D. Hines, Stephen Brindley, Jared M. Brown, Stephanie McGrath, Anushree Chatterjee, Prashant Nagpal, and, Julie A. Moreno* (2024). ACS Chemical Neuroscience 15, 7, 1533-1547.